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Abraham Darby (Auscot) - Large shrub with many-petalled flowers of apricot to yellow. Fragrant. Good..
(Auscousin) - Perfectly formed, beautifully fragrant, upward facing blooms. A rich salmon pink with ..
(Ausprior) - Cupped buds of pale lemon, gradually open to form large, creamy white flowers of a typi..
(Auskindling) - Exquisitely beautiful. A strong Old Rose fragrance with hints of almond blossom, cu..
Very large deeply cupped flowers of rich golden yellow. A very good shrub with ideal rounded habit o..
(Ausblush) - Flowers are medium-sized of perfect form, prettily cupped in shape and of a soft pink c..
Very large, highly fragrant flowers that are incurving. Colour is pale yellow to apricot. Very stron..
(Ausnyson) - Buds of rich orange-red open to form a lightly fragrant chalice-shapped bloom filled wi..
Large, loosely-petalled, double pink flowers of Old Rose character. Excellent habit of growth, flowe..
Ausbernard) - Large, velvety crimson blooms in the distinctive English style. Strong Old Rose fragra..
(Ausmixture) - This lovely Austin rose commences flowering very early in the season and continues wel..
(Auswhirl) - Large cupped blooms of a lovely rich yellow which pale as they age and are produced in ..
(Aushomer) - The flowers of this David Austin Rose start as perfectly rounded buds, opening to full ..