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Apricot Nectar (Boerner) - Buff apricot in colour plus strong growth make this rose a must for the r..
(Proberg) - A sport of Iceberg, Pink Iceberg is identical in every way except for the delicate pink ..
(Meidomonac) - Shrub-type rose with masses of soft pink double blooms. Easy to grow, disease resista..
(KORresia) - A healthy and compact floribunda of the brightest unfading yellow. Free blooming and go..
Iceberg (Korbin) - Standard ( 90cm ). Iceberg was introduced over 40 years ago by Kordes and is sti..
(MEIgekanu) - This is an outstanding rose, with healthy, neat foliage and large clusters of brillian..
(Dicobey) - A many petalled rose with blooms of yellow heavily flushed red. A very showy and bright ..