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Aotearoa (Macgenev) - Light salmon pink flowers of perfect exhibition form with a delightful fragran..
(Kordes) (syn. Rebell) - Silver Medal and Best Hybrid Tea Award winner at National Trial Garden in 2..
A large formed, high pointed rose of light red with silver reverse. Very hardy plant of medium heigh..
(Stebigpu) - Highly fragrant, large well formed bloom of dark mauve to purple. Flowers usually produ..
(Korschwana) - Very dark red medium-sized blooms on a vigorous tall bush. The plant has the ability ..
(Tankalcig) - Very elegant, large dark black red blooms. Vigorous, tall, upright growth producing bl..
(Morey) - Dark red blooms with a good fragrance are borne mainly on single stems. Dark green, leathe..
(Morey) - Dark red blooms with a good fragrance are borne mainly on single stems. Dark green, leathe..
(Tannacht) - Large lavender blue blooms with strong fragrance on long slender stems. Healthy medium ..
(Avocad) - Classic rich golden apricot blooms borne on a long straight stem with glossy mahogany fol..
(Tantau) - A beautifully scented well formed dark red that is very resistant to adverse weather. The..
(Tantau) - A beautifully scented well formed dark red that is very resistant to adverse weather. The..
Very large, dusty pink striped blooms are produced in abundance on a vigorous, upright bush. Fragran..