Jackson and Perkins

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Honey Perfume

(Jacarque) - Large clusters of fragrant, apricot-yellow flowers soften to near white on a prolific, ..


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Brass Band

(Jaccofl) - Clusters of fragrant apricot blooms with a yellow reverse, repeat freely throughout the ..


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(Jackson & Perkins) - An excellent rose with well formed flowers of white, cream and pink tonings. H..


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Diana Princess of Wales

(Jacshaq) - This excellent variety has the most pleasant blending of colours you could wish for. Pas..


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(Jackson & Perkins) - An exceptional Hybrid Tea with excellent flower form, and strong vigour. The t..


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Love Potion

(Jacsedi) - Deep rich lilac blooms open with slightly ruffled petals. The highly fragrant flowers ar..


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Perfume Perfection

(Jacshok) - Delicate lavender blooms are produced in abundance on a nicely rounded bush. Strong, swe..


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Pope John Paul II

(Jacsegra) - Producing luminous, pristine, lavishly petalled blossoms, this elegant rose grows in th..


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Pope John Paul II - 90cm Standard

(Jacsegra) - Producing luminous, pristine, lavishly petalled blossoms, this elegant rose grows in th..


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Summer Of Love

(Jacemini) - A play of white, yellow and coral colours slowly spiral open from a high centre on this..


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Tuscan Sun

(JACthain) - Deep apricot buds open fully to high-centred, bronze-blushed blossoms, then finish a co..


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Tuscan Sun - 90cm Standard

(JACthain) - Deep apricot buds open fully to high-centred, bronze-blushed blossoms, then finish a co..


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Apricot Passion Currently Unavailable

Apricot Passion

(Jacinap) - A rich deep apricot, fading to a softer more subtle shade. The large blooms hold their s..


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(Jacanth) - A multi purpose rose of medium to dark red with single stem and occasionally several to ..


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