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(Dicjana) - Viewed by many as one of the world's best roses. Large, well formed blooms of lemon to l..


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Elina - 90cm Standard

(Dicjana) - Viewed by many as one of the world's best roses. Large, well formed blooms of lemon to l..


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Isn't She Lovely

(Diciluvit) - A true Hybrid Tea as it produces only single, full petalled blooms that are approximat..


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Lilac Wine

(Dicmulti) - Near perfect soft lavendar, old fashioned blooms that are suitable for cutting and pro..


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Makybe Diva

(Dicdiva) - Australia celebrated when Makybe Diva created history by winning her third consecutive M..


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Mind Games

(DICkylie) - A striking novelty rose of pink and white stripes. The semi-double blooms are continuou..


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Parkinsons Passion

(Dicjohn) - Vibrant orange buds open to semi-double blooms which soften to lighter shades with hints..


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Pure Bliss

(Dictator) - A very rewarding soft two tone pink rose with a hint of apricot as the bloom develops. ..


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Tequila Sunrise

(Dicobey) - A many petalled rose with blooms of yellow heavily flushed red. A very showy and bright ..


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Tequila Sunrise - 90cm Standard

(Dicobey) - A many petalled rose with blooms of yellow heavily flushed red. A very showy and bright ..


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(Dichimanher) - An abundance of tiny perfectly formed buds of blood red are borne in large clusters ..


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