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Unconventional Lady

(Korsamasi) - A lovely deep pink hybrid tea rose with a delightful fragrance. Glowing cherry red bud..


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(Kordes) - Very large exhibition style flowers, on long strong stems. The Old Gold coloured blooms, ..


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Valencia - 90cm Standard

(Kordes) - Very large exhibition style flowers, on long strong stems. The Old Gold coloured blooms, ..


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Vienna Charm

(Korschaparat) - Very attractive colouring of coppery gold. Worth a place in the garden for colour a..


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Volcano NEW


(Korcolipas) - This rose borders on a floribunda with bloom production and compact growth.  Very dou..


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Wedding Bells

(Korsteflali) - The large, clear silver pink blooms have classic form, are high centred with a petal..


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Wedding Bells - 90cm Standard Sold Out 2025

Wedding Bells - 90cm Standard

(Korsteflali) - The large, clear silver pink blooms have classic form, are high centred with a petal..


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Winter Sun

(Korbatam) - Classic shaped blooms of light yellow and the ability to flower deep into winter gave t..


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Winter Sun - 90cm Standard

(Korbatam) - Classic shaped blooms of light yellow and the ability to flower deep into winter gave t..


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(Korarofe) - A beautifully strong fruity fragrance emanates from this very nostalgic bloom that is r..


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(Korcoeinf) - A mass of salmon coloured blooms cover this mini floribunda. The colour merges from sa..


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(Korlisuha) - An outstanding rose.  Winner of multiple awards in 2019 at the National Trial Garden i..


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Marie-Luise Marjan

(Korfinger) - Large, creamy-white blooms with a touch of pink and apricot. Flowers are produced free..


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My Little Angel

(KORDOPPBLA) - An exceptionally healthy miniature covered in masses of beautiful mauve blooms that f..


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Sweet Memory

(Koraburg) - Imagine being able to cut a huge bunch of clear pink roses from a single bush, without ..


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(Korlirus) - Masses of cream, white blooms that are produced in clusters with a strong, sweet fragra..


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Merry Maker Currently Unavailable

Merry Maker

(Korpatetof) - Bushy upright growth with recurrent semi-double blooms will bring a brilliant burst o..


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