Standard Roses

Standard Roses

Standard Roses - also referred to as Stem Roses, are a variation of the normal bush rose grafted at a height of 90cm or 60cm (Patio Standards). They can create a formal appearance if planted in a row or as a feature in garden beds. They can also be grown in large tubs on the veranda. The head of the standard can vary in shape, Hybrid Teas will grow in a V shape, Floribundas in general keep to a rounder shape. David Austins can also vary with each variety. It is important to secure them to a sturdy stake
to prevent breakage in high wind. Please avoid metal stakes. Plant approx. 1.2m apart.


Weeping Standard Roses - Weeping Standards or Tree Roses are budded onto tall rootstock at heights ranging from approximatley 1.4m to 1.7m with varieties that tend to produce long pliable canes, creating a cascading effect. Many will reach ground level. Ideal as a centre piece or feature. Only remove dead wood when pruning for the first few seasons

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Phoenix - 90cm Standard

Phoenix - 90cm Standard

(Korrosobi) - Masses of very full orange blooms. Dark leaves enhance the bloom colour to look specta..


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