Producing Hips

Producing Hips
All roses produce hips if the spent blooms are left on the plant. However. some roses produce larger, fuller hips that last much longer than others.
Rugosa roses are said to have the best tasting hips and are also generally the largest and most abundant.

Tips for encouraging hips:
  • Stop pruning March. Some of the best hips are produced in Autumn.
  • Provide adequate irrigation with good drainage.
  • Encourage pollinators, like bees and other insects, to visit your roses by creating a naturalized edge or hedgerow.
  • Allow blossoms to fade and fall off of the plant naturally.
Uses for hips:
Clip single or clusters of rose hips and use in floral arrangements, wreaths, and holiday garland.
Wash, remove stems, and coarsely chop for use in recipes to make jams, jellies, juices, and more. (Never use rose petals or hips sprayed with chemicals in any food product.)

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(Hybrid Musk 1937) -Very large clusters. Small, single, bright soft pink, white eye. Growth to 3m. R..


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Bee Scene NEW

Bee Scene

(Korfliaumi) - This rose will stand out in any garden, semi double yellow open blooms produced in ab..


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(Meidomonac) - Shrub-type rose with masses of soft pink double blooms. Easy to grow, disease resista..


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Bonica - 90cm Standard

(Meidomonac) - Shrub-type rose with masses of soft pink double blooms. Easy to grow, disease resista..


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(Korelamba) - Great for mass planting or for a splash of colour. This wine red floribunda has an abu..


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Bordeaux - 90cm Standard

(Korelamba) - Great for mass planting or for a splash of colour. This wine red floribunda has an abu..


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Buff Beauty

(Hybrid Musk 1939) - Lovely large, fully double apricot blooms fade to white on a beautiful Hybrid M..


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Coconut Ice

(Korallister) - A gorgeous bi-colour of beautiful musk pink with a soft white on the reverse of each..


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Eye Of The Tiger

(Chewbullseye) - A beautiful colour in the Rosa Persica hybrids by Chris Warner. The fragrant yellow..


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Fairytale Magic

(Kormarzau) - A new addition to the Fairytale Roses® Collection by Kordes. This Award winning m..


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Fairytale Magic - 90cm Standard

(Kormarzau) - A new addition to the Fairytale Roses® Collection by Kordes. This Award winning m..


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(Prorug-Rugosa 2010) This beautiful Tasmanian bred Rugosa rose produces fragrant purple double bloom..


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Fruity Parfuma

(Korgehaque) - Part of the new Parfuma® Collection by Kordes.   Known as the Fruity Parfuma this..


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Garden Friend

(Korhopiko) - Truly a gardener's friend. An abundance of eye-catching blooms in a stable colour of i..


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Happy Birthday

This is a beautiful creation of multi awarded Australian breeder Bruce Brundrett. Happy Birthday!..


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Harmonize - Climbing

(CHEWendeye) - Masses of beautiful cream open blooms with pink blushes and the tell-tale Persica Hyb..


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Heaven on Earth

(Korravreli) - This rose is divine. Large cupped and full blooms of soft peach apricot sit on the bu..


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(KORpriggos) - Part of the Kordes Fairytale Roses® Collection and decorated with gold and silver med..


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Kosmos - 90cm Standard

(KORpriggos) - Part of the Kordes Fairytale Roses® Collection and decorated with gold and silver med..


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Little Wonder

(KORlitare) - Delicate single blooms with bright yellow stamens this low growing ground cover is a d..


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