Miniature & Miniflora Roses
These are the smallest of the roses with flowers that are usually less than 5cm across. Generally the bushes grow to no more than 50cm in height. Ideal for borders, pots or small gardens.
Plant approx. 30cm to 50cm apart.
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(Korzweenu) - Decorated with many international awards a..
(Korzweenu) - Decorated with many international awards as well as a silver medal at our National Ros..
(Korlutmag) - This fabulous patio rose produces spectacular clusters of yellow blooms with red outer..
(Kordwarul) - This is a dense and compact miniature rose with flowers in abundance. The large cluste..
(Benjets) - Upright growth to 75cm with dark green glossy foliage that is disease resistant. Medium ..
(Korexmini) - Ideal for pots and borders, this is a lovely addition to the Lilliputs® Collection fro..
(KORSNOKINU) - With blooms slightly larger than the classic miniature rose, this compact healthy bus..
(Bentall) - Double pink continuous flowers fading to white. A low growing and semi-prostrate variety..
(Korcoeinf) - A mass of salmon coloured blooms cover this mini floribunda. The colour merges from sa..
(Korlisuha) - An outstanding rose. Winner of multiple awards in 2019 at the National Trial Garden i..
(KORDOPPBLA) - An exceptionally healthy miniature covered in masses of beautiful mauve blooms that f..
(Benfig) - A delicately coloured bud of cream on the outer petals with a porcelain centre. Very prof..
(Dichimanher) - An abundance of tiny perfectly formed buds of blood red are borne in large clusters ..
Currently Unavailable
(Tinresist) - Long lasting, exhibition style, near white blooms with an attractive pale pink centre ..