Medium English Shrub Rose


(Ausmol) - Bears medium-sized neat rosette blooms - tinged with orange at first, quickly becoming rich yellow. It has a light-medium musky Tea Rose scent. The growth is compact, even and upright. 1m tall x 1m wide.

Plant Information
Category Bush Rose
Breeder David Austin Roses
Features & Growth Habit
Flowering Repeat
Treloar's Health Rating 3 Star Health Rating
Growth Height (approximate only) 1m Tall x 1m Wide
Flower Colour Yellow
Rose Type Medium English Shrub Rose
Ideal For
Borders & Hedges Yes
Planting In Pots We suggest a pot at least 50cm x 50cm
Tropical Climates Yes
Fragrance Light Medium, Tea/musk
Disclaimer Every care is taken to provide accurate descriptions and information on each variety. Please note that characteristics will vary depending on the growing conditions. The information provided below may not be completely accurate for your climate or growing conditions.

The colour images and descriptions are to be used as a guide only. Every care is taken to accurately describe growth habits and reproduce the correct colour in images. However, other factors such as Australia's varied climatic conditions, seasons and soil type can affect blooming and rose growth.

Bare Rooted Rose

Please note this product is a bare rooted rose for delivery in Winter 2025 only. What is a bare rooted rose? Click here.

  • Breeder: David Austin
  • Product Code: BMOLINEUX
  • Reward Points earnt if purchased: 110
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $28.50
  • Price in reward points: 1925
  • 3 or more $25.75
  • 10 or more $23.75


Click here to learn more about our Treloar's Health Rating.

Tags: , GDA

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