Lime Sulphur 500ml

Out Of Stock Lime Sulphur 500ml

A must for all roses after the winter prune.
Used for the control of diseases, fungi and insects on roses and other plants in the home garden.
Best used on roses after the Winter prune to kill all fungal spores, cleaning the area of problems such as Black Spot and Powdery Mildew giving a fresh start for the following growing season. 

Usage rate:

  • Summer Useage - 10ml per litre of water. (extreme cases only as may cause leaf drop)
  • Winter Useage - 20ml per litre of water.
Winter is a great time to spray with lime sulphur (while there is no foliage). Spray all stems and the ground surrounding the plant. 
  • Product Code: PLIME500
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $16.00


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