

While many roses have fragrance to some degree, we have listed below varieties that are noted to be highly fragrant.

Disclaimer: there are many environmental factors, such as temperature, hours of sunlight, soil conditions, water, pests, etc. that influence the appearance and fragrance strength of a rose bloom. The fragrance strength can also change with the time of day and is dependent on the perception of the person smelling the rose.

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Suffragette - The Vida Goldstein Rose NEW

Suffragette - The Vida Goldstein Rose

(Korgolvida) - Large, white blooms in the classic bud shape, open into a full cupped form with a str..


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Summer Romance

(Kortekcho) - Magnificent mid pink, fully double and quartered blooms adorn an upright floribunda to..


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Summer Song

(Austango) - Vibrant blooms of an unusaul orange-red colour. they open up to full, medium-large cups..


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Sweet Parole Sold Out 2025

Sweet Parole

(Korpobux) - A sport of the well known Parole in a lovely pastel pink with a strong, well balanced f..


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(Tanelorak) (syn Barkarole) - Very dark, blackish red buds open slowly to reveal perfectly formed, r..


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The Childrens Rose™

(Meitebros) - The light pink, many petalled blooms are very fragrant. A strong and healthy bush whic..


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The Poet's Wife

(Auswhirl) -Bears rich yellow flowers, which pale over time. Their formation is most pleasing, havin..


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The Poet's Wife - 90cm Standard

(Auswhirl) - Large cupped blooms of a lovely rich yellow which pale as they age and are produced in ..


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(Kordes) - Very large exhibition style flowers, on long strong stems. The Old Gold coloured blooms, ..


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Valencia - 90cm Standard

(Kordes) - Very large exhibition style flowers, on long strong stems. The Old Gold coloured blooms, ..


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(Tananilov) - Large, very fragrant blooms of shell pink with a deeper margin on the petal edges, pro..


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Vol De Nuit

The colour is clear deep mauve of a most attractive shade, and the form is particularly good with a ..


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Wollerton Old Hall Sold Out 2025

Wollerton Old Hall

(Ausblanket) - One of the most fragrant David Austins. This attractive rose produces plump buds with..


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Young Lycidas

(Ausvibrant) - Large, deeply-cupped blooms with a delicious fragrance nod gracefully on the plant. A..


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Barbra Streisand

(WEKquaneze) - Large flowers of an attractive clear lavender colour are shown off strikingly against..


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