The Bee Friendly Garden

-12% The Bee Friendly Garden

Easy ways to help the bees and make your garden grow!

A fantastic grower's handbook for attacting bees and other beneficial insects.

Bees are our most important pollinators and they are in decline the world over. They love to live in urban environments, where it's a short flight path from one type of plant to the next. But conventional gardens that favour lawns and pesticides over flowers and edible plants are scaring the good bugs away.

The Bee Friendly Garden is a guide for all gardeners great and small to encouraging bees and other good bugs to your green space.

Includes: - How bees forage and why your garden needs them - A comprehensive plant guide to bee friendly plants - Simple changes anybody can make - Ideas for gardens of all sizes - Natural pest control and companion planting advice

  • Product Code: PBBEE
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $39.95
  • $35.00


(Swim) - Beautiful pink rose with long slender buds. Very vigorous bush. The semi-double blooms are ..
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(Auscousin) - Perfectly formed, beautifully fragrant, upward facing blooms. A rich salmon pink with ..
(Ausnoble) - Beautiful, perfect rosettes of lightly tinged yellow that mature to pure white, produce..
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